History of this site

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I created the first version of erty.me, at the time called ertyseidel.com, sometime around 2000, as a project for my class - a website about riparian areas. Everyone was very impressed that I had a website. My dad helped me set up the domain name since I was only nine years old at the time.

Comic Sans was my favorite font at the time. Because I liked comics.

My earliest site

A few years later, I learned some HTML on my own and built a new version. Already at the time I knew that Firefox was superior to Internet Explorer.

2005 Site

After a while, I decided that I wanted to publish my comic, "Fish Food", online. Also included on the site were a "treasure hunt" and a list of videogames I owned, along with reviews.

2006 site

In late 2006, I changed my site once again. By now I knew some basic CSS, and the site was dedicated to webcomics almost entirely.

2006 site number 2

Sometime in 2007 (probably July, when I started To Save a Live), my website changed again. Favoring simplicity, this grey-blue box adorned my homepage for some time. To Save A Live was an infinite-canvas comic experiment, written between July 2007 and November 2008.

2007 site

When I finished To Save a Life, I updated my homepage once again.

2008 site

In April 2009, I discovered skeuomorphism, and also abandoned the Comic Sans motif that I'd used since for nine years.

2009 site

2011 brought a super minimalistic design with a lot of white space.

2011 site

In 2014, I was working as a web developer and built a new version of the site, finally moving to erty.me, as I'd changed my name from Seidel to Seidohl.

2014 site

In November 2015, I updated my site again to focus on my projects and achievements.

2015 site

In 2017, I updated the site again, with a moving "light" overlay and a much simpler feel.

2017 site

Finally, in July 2020, I've updated my site again, with a new custom template language (just for fun).

Thanks much to the Internet Archive for providing me with the very first iterations of my site, which would have otherwise been lost to time.